+61 2 8317 3011 info@acms.org.au

“We can only see a short distance ahead,

but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

Alan Turing (computer scientist)

“The people who are crazy enough to think they

can change the world are the ones who do.”

Steve Jobs

“The modern museum has multiple purposes –

to curate and preserve, to research, and to reach out to the public.

They challenge us and ask us to question our assumptions…”

Kate Williams (British historian)


The Australian Computer Museum Society (ACMS) is a not-for-profit charity. It is supported through rentals, membership, volunteers, bequests and donations from public, private & corporate donors. We protect, restore, and preserve important technological artefacts, with a focus on Australia’s rich IT history.

Our members and volunteers come from all walks of life. Everyone is welcome regardless of your interest, background, age, gender, circumstances or experience.

We exist to share stories and heritage items with The Australian community.

You can visit our workshop and tour our static display in CROYDON NSW. Details on how and when to visit the workshop, our events and displays click here.

We invite you to join the ACMS! Membership provides many benefits and all donations are tax deductible. Even If you are unable to assist via a tax deductible donation, you can still help by volunteering your time or expertise.


Are you a vintage, antique or retro computing user or enthusiast?

Maybe you used a minicomputer. Maybe you used punch cards. Maybe you programmed in COBOL or assembled Microbees. Or maybe you are just interested in the history of computing and retro tech. Dive in and become a member, and/or share a story in our public forum.

From the early days of valve machines, to the minicomputers of the 1970s, to the bedroom revolution of home microcomputers (PCs) and the Internet revolution —the history of computers and computing is a rich, fascinating and compelling tale. 

We have items from major brands such as Apple, Hewlett Packard (HP), IBM, Acer, Microsoft, Intel, NCR, Telecom Australia (Telstra), LG, Dell, Unisys, Hitachi, Sharp, Seiko and many more. We have an array of archeological artefacts from companies long gone or merged such a Burroughs, Rayovac, Facet, Compaq, DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) and of course the most important, a bevy of items from Australia’s rich computing heritage such as Netcomm, Banksia, Webster, Microbee, Disk Smith, SSG, Magnum and many, many more.


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